Friday, April 4, 2014

The Avengers | Movie Series | Cosmic Spear Loki

It's been a while but here is my next review! I'll be reviewing The Avengers Movie Series Cosmic Spear Loki! I know this figure isn't exactly a recent release (it's been released more that 2 years ago, imagine that!) but there's really a lot of figures in my to-review list so I just grabbed a random figure to review today. I got this a long time ago at the department store in SM City San Fernando.

Cosmic Spear Loki
Anyway, let's start!


Front (sorry about the price sticker residue)

It comes with the standard The Avengers toyline packaging, which really stands out on the pegs. Good job on packaging, as always, Hasbro.

Character Profile
It reads "Even after being cast into the dark place between worlds, Loki continued to plot the downfall of Earth and Asgard. Patient years spent exploring the dark nowhere have finally led him back to the world of light, where his diabolical plans threaten all of creation."


So here we have the Cosmic Spear Loki!

When I saw this figure in its packaging, I was really amazed. It really screams Loki. The sculpt is superb, the paint apps are great in concept but there are some few slops and bleeding here and there. The figure really is awesome as a display piece and as a play toy, though it does suffer due to the decreased articulation which I'll get into in a minute. I was actually more excited to get this than the Iron Man Mark VII or the Captain America from the Avengers toy line.

Loki's Spear
This spear is just AWESOME. I'm so glad they gave him this weapon rather than some lame daggers or projectile shooter crap (I mean seriously, Hasbro had used those projectile-thingy across multiple toylines! No one even wants them and might even poke some kid's eye. How much longer is Hasbro gonna milk that cow?). This played a vital role in the movie, and I'm guessing it'll also play some role in the upcoming movies judging from the post-credit scene in Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

"Cosmic" Spear
Cosmic Spear with wings
Do I even have to say it? This is just... a useless junk. Why? First, it doesn't even appear in the movie. Second, Loki can't even hold 'cause the handle's too thick. Third, "Cosmic" Spear, really? There's nothing cosmicky about this spear (it doesn't even look like a spear!). Fourth, it looks dumb! I mean, that push up to show wings gimmick is just stupid and it doesn't even look like something that Loki would use. Ugh. Hasbro could've just done away with this and use the money on articulation, or they could've made the helmet removable! Oh, Hasbro. What a waste.

In terms of articulation, this guy just fell short of good. It's acceptable, I guess. This toyline marked the start of the downward spiral of Hasbro in terms of articulation. The absence of a wrist swivel makes posing the spear a pain sometimes. You have to rotate the whole forearm which often looks awkward. And the absence of an ankle articulation makes it so difficult to stand him on his own. You have to rely on his super stiff cape to make him stand. Ugh, annoying. But still, having said that, it's still a decent figure.

Comparison Shot

With the single-carded Sorcerer Fury Loki from the Thor movie toyline

This is my only other Loki. I don't have the King Loki from the Thor movie toyline which sports a kinda similar outfit. In terms of articulation, the Sorcerer Fury Loki wins no-contest. But overall, I'd still pick the Cosmic Spear Loki.

Yes, they are lying down because I cannot make the Cosmic Spear Loki to stand on its own.


Puny God

Puny God #1
Puny God #2
Puny God #3
Puny God #4
Puny God #5
Puny God #6*
From the Avengers movie

Passage Denied
Passage Denied #1*
The Lord of the Rings reference

Antlers #1
Antlers #2
Antlers #3
Antlers #4
Antlers #5
Antlers #6*
Paternal Revelation
Paternal Revelation #1*
Star Wars Reference


Appearance- 10/10
Articulation- 6.5/10
Playability- 7.5/10
Value- 7/10
Overall- 7.75/10


Overall, this is still a decent figure. It looks great even though there are some paint issues here and there. Yes, it does suffer from the limited articulation, but you don't really have to pose Loki in dynamic stances to make him look great. Is this worth picking up? Yes, especially if you're a big fan of Loki or villains in general. Also, if you're looking for a figure to use as a combat companion to your Avengers, Loki is perfect for that. Best villain in the Marvel Cinematic Universe so far, in my opinion.

Hope you enjoyed that, and happy collecting! :D

-Kim :))

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